About Sara

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About Sara

I am a wife, a multitasking mom, a lover of laughter, and a down-to-earth human. I am also a therapist.

I started in this field as a social worker and loved my job! I had the opportunity to work with teenagers who were removed from their homes for various reasons. Engaging with them and their families helped me identify how much I enjoy working with relationships.

After four kids and a pile of PB&Js, I went back to school and earned a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. After a few more PB&Js, I completed my PhD in Counseling Education and Supervision.

I believe that people are pretty amazing. An individual’s ability to enact change and redirect their lives is humbling and inspiring to be a part of – I have the best seat in the house!

When I am not in the office, I am spending time with my family. We are a goofy group and we like to remind each other of that. 😉